Need to find somewhere to shoot? There are many more clubs out there than you'd think, and they're all registered with the British Columbia Archery Association.
>> VIEW DIRECTORYAl does a complete - and updated - calendar of events for western Canada - it's where we get our info!
>> ARCHERY GUY CALENDARIf you've never used a bow before, our advice is simple: try it out.
Our Beginner Classes are an excellent way of establishing good habits from the get-go, and sampling all the different styles of shooting you may want to pursue.
After doing the beginner course, you'll know a lot more about what you need & want in a bow.
Check out our the compound wall in the shop if you're into cam tech, or our Starter Recurves if you're not!
Archery is just like anything else - it takes lots of practice. Check your municipalities' bylaws; can you shoot in your back yard? If not, find an archery club to register with and use their range to hone your skills.
view directoryOnce you have a bit of practice under your belt, we recommend taking a private lesson with a professional archery instructor to make sure you're not establishing any habits that could hold you back in the long run.
call us to bookCONGRATS! The next step in the process is to hop online and tell everyone else that they're doing it wrong! Kidding... don't.
Fun areas you should explore with your bow include...
One of the best things about Archery, we've found, is the community.
Whether you've met some new acquaintances in a class or at the range, we encourage you to keep in touch with them. Sync up your practice times. Go to competitions together. Compare gear. Shoot together. Make memories.
That is, after all, what it's all about.